Beeston Library Catalogue section 05: Handbell Ringing.
Catalogue last updated at 2022-11-21 18:52:08.

Bedford, PhilipIntroduction to English handbell tune ringing1974
Butler, William..Musical handbells : a comprehensive history of the bells and their founders.2000
Central CouncilTeach yourself change ringing on handbells. (Cassette & leaflet)
Fletcher, C.W.Handbell ringing. A manual for ringers.
Kelby, S.D.Vibrations of hand bells. (Article from Phys.Educ.Vol 15)1980
Tufts, Nancy P.Art of handbell ringing.1962
Woolley, C.W.Change ringing on handbells. (2nd ed.)1959
Woolley, C.W.Change ringing on handbells. (3rd ed.) (Two copies)1964
Woolley, C.W.Change ringing on handbells. (4th ed.)1969
Codnor Handbell Founders. (Business Publicity leaflet and Price List)1984
Reverberations. Journal of Handbell Ringers of Great Britain. [1967-68]1967 - 82 issues
Zoological Gardens, Belle Vue. Hand-bell ringing contest. 1924-1925.1924-5Programmes for the 65th and 66th Belle Vue tune ringing contest
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