by Tom Nestor | Oct 27, 2018 | Guild News, 10-bell Competition
Mid Branch won the 2018 Guild 10-bell striking competition at Dunham Massey (10, 25-2-24 in C) on 27th October 2018. Ben Kellett thanked the competition judges Len and Claire Mitchell from Liverpool, also tower captain Andrew Darling for his organisation and the team...
by Site Editor | Oct 22, 2018 | Guild News, 10-bell Competition
For over 400 years, change ringing has been a unique feature of the British soundscape. While most countries in the world have church bells, none are rung in Britain’s very distinctive fashion. In the last 8 months, bellringing has been revived at St...
by Tom Nestor | Aug 19, 2018 | Tower, Towers Map, 10-bell, East Cheshire Branch
Practice is on every Monday night with first Monday of each month set aside for 10-bell practice. Visitors are welcome. Sunday service ringing is 1030-1100.
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