Reminder of events in July

EVENTS IN JULY Thursday 6th – 8-bell practice at Norbury from 7.45 Sunday 16th – 10-bell practice St Mary’s, Stockport 3.00 till 4.30. If you’re coming let me know by Thursday 13th Sunday 23rd – 8-bell training at Hayfield 3.00 till...

This and that: August events

This month there are three branch events about which here are a few notes! If you’re coming to Cheadle tomorrow and arrive significantly later that 7.30 you are likely to find the south door shut. In that case, go to the west door and on the right-hand side is a...

8-Bell Competition 8th July 2017

Glorious weather greeted the five branch teams assembling today at St Helen’s Witton (8,14-0-0 in F) for the Guild 8-bell Striking Competition 2017. Ringing started immediately after the draw at 2.30pm. Mid Branch won the contest with 46 points. Second place...